Welcome to BuddhistMagic.com, an online supplier of consecrated mainstream and “barang” amulets, fetishes and magical balms from the occult tradition of saiyasart, or “Thai Voodoo”.
Buddhist Animism
For thousands of years prior to the introduction of Buddhism, Thailand teemed with spirits, gods,…
Habitat and Range
Though Phra Ngang’s popularity has spread worldwide with the advent of the internet and globalization,…
Mistaken Identities
Phra Ngang is sometimes confused with the spirits or gods of other traditions or even figures from popular…
Mysterious Origins
An enigmatic figure of mysterious origin, Phra Ngang has been variously explained as: An unconsecrated Buddha statue…
Manners & Morals
Usually depicted as a demented, red-eyed trickster sitting in a meditation posture like the Buddha,…
Phra Ngang Sightings
Various fascinating Phra Ngang artifacts from around the internet. Amulets are meant to envelope the bearer…